Sunday, February 20, 2011

saúl dice (18:41):


how are you

Tiffany dice (18:41):


Fine, thanks. How about you?

saúl dice (18:41):


Tiffany dice (18:41):


saúl dice (18:42):

what you are doing? im drinking a pepsi chatting and lisening music

Tiffany dice (18:43):

Just chatting with you and searching random videos on you tube

saúl dice (18:43):

that's good

where you from?

Tiffany dice (18:43):


saúl dice (18:43):

nice a good country

saúl dice (18:44):

me from spain barcelona

Tiffany dice (18:44):

That's nice

saúl dice (18:44):

what time is there?

Tiffany dice (18:44):


saúl dice (18:45):

aaaa hear is 8:45 one our of difference

Tiffany dice (18:45):


saúl dice (18:47):

that you have something? you want to say?

Tiffany dice (18:47):

Well, I don't know lol.

saúl dice (18:48):

lol me two

you are studing or working

Tiffany dice (18:48):


saúl dice (18:49):

me two¡J

Tiffany dice (18:49):


saúl dice (18:49):

im in 1 of eso


Has enviado un zumbido.

Tiffany dice (18:50):

I'm on middle school ..

Tiffany dice (18:51):

My english is not perfect lol

saúl dice (18:52):

lol mi spanish perfect but english t much but i like the class of english

saúl dice (18:53):

whell the teacher say that mi class have to do a conversation in english in the computer and i do whit you now i have the compotion thanks


Tiffany dice (18:53):

you're welcome.

Friday, February 18, 2011

conversation with my sister

L.                     ,t´estim!.. dice:
how are you brotherr???

joan dice:
 i'm very good
 'n' yu?

L.                     ,t´estim!.. dice:
 what are you doing noww??
 i´m very well

joan dice:
 i'm hear, studiyng spanish and doing the homework off english
  'n' you?

L.                     ,t´estim!.. dice:
you are doing all of your homework????
 me too I´m doing my university homework
 is so boringg

because tomorrow me and all the class we have and exam
 but is so easy to me!!!!

L.                     ,t´estim!.. dice:
 and english exam or spanish??

joan dice:
if it english the exam i take a..... jajaja!! :)

L.                     ,t´estim!.. dice:
ohhhh If you think that the exam from tomorrow is easy to you

joan dice:
is so difficuld the future forms: will bffff is so borring!!!!

L.                     ,t´estim!.. dice:
I´m sure that you wil have 10!!!

joan dice:

L.                     ,t´estim!.. dice:

joan dice:
 one question??

L.                     ,t´estim!.. dice:
tell me babyy

joan dice:
 did you finish your exxams?
 of university?
L.                     ,t´estim!.. dice:
yeahhhh !!!!!

joan dice:

L.                     ,t´estim!.. dice:
I finished the 3´ week of genuary

joan dice:
 bfff more than 10 exams

L.                     ,t´estim!.. dice:
and I spend four weeks doing enithinggggg

joan dice:

L.                     ,t´estim!.. dice:
I was in my vacations

joan dice:

L.                     ,t´estim!.. dice:
SORRY my english writing is horrible!!!! 

joan dice:
 is not a problem

L.                     ,t´estim!.. dice:
in university I not do english and then I don´t remember a lot of things

joan dice:

L.                     ,t´estim!.. dice:
my last class of english was when I was doing 2 de baxillerat

joan dice:
because iff i'm not shore 1st of primary or more to 4 eso

L.                     ,t´estim!.. dice:
 bffff few many years agooo

joan dice:
do english no??¿¿??!!¡¡!!¡¡??¿¿
 in dalton academy

L.                     ,t´estim!.. dice:
 I don´t underesand youu

joan dice:
 dont worry

L.                     ,t´estim!.. dice:
yessss I was a lot of years in a academy, but if you don´t speak more english,you don´t improve later

joan dice:
 i'ts true

L.                     ,t´estim!.. dice:
but when I finish the carrer i´ll go to London 1 year and i´m sure that I will learn a lot of english!!!!
joan dice:

L.                     ,t´estim!.. dice:
It´s so interensting speaking whit you in english
 in mesenger
 I like this idea!
 do you like?

joan dice:

L.                     ,t´estim!.. dice:
do you like to do more times?? for example

joan dice:
will you do a activity o something taht this in 7th to 13th of may??

L.                     ,t´estim!.. dice:
 if one day I´m in Marc´s house,

joan dice:
 my this days i'm going to do snowboarding
 to vall de nuria
 if i'm not brong

L.                     ,t´estim!.. dice:
we might speak in english!!

joan dice:
 is so late

L.                     ,t´estim!.. dice:
noooo that days i´ll study hard!!!

joan dice:

L.                     ,t´estim!.. dice:
you have to go to the bed!!!!
joan dice:
 tomorrox you can chat at 5?

L.                     ,t´estim!.. dice:

joan dice:
 good by

L.                     ,t´estim!.. dice:
 i´ll be here at 5 o´clock!!

joan dice:
 go to sleep

L.                     ,t´estim!.. dice:
sweettt dreams bro!!!!!!

joan dice:
 don't look the tv

L.                     ,t´estim!.. dice:
yesss when I finish studying i ´ll go to the bed!

joan dice:
good bye

L.                     ,t´estim!.. dice:
noooo fatherr!!! jajajaja

joan dice:

L.                     ,t´estim!.. dice:
byeee!!! XXX

joan dice:

L.                     ,t´estim!.. dice:
lovee you so muchhhhh

joan dice:
 good bye

Thursday, February 17, 2011


eric koscina haro dice:
david gomez alloza dice:
eric koscina haro dice:
how are you? are you funny
david gomez alloza dice:
I'am bad
and not funny
eric koscina haro dice:
but for what you don't are funny

david gomez alloza dice:
i feel bad
eric koscina haro dice:
ah yes yesterday you are ill for what
david gomez alloza dice:
i have headache
eric koscina haro dice:
ok tomorrow u go to come ???
david gomez alloza dice:
eric koscina haro dice:
ok feel good see u tomorrow
eric koscina haro dice:
david gomez alloza dice:

Chatting with Sergi

Jaume: Hi, How r u?

Sergi: Fine, 2morrow, I'm gonna play a football match.

Jaume: Wow. Me 2. Which is the other team?

Sergi: I don't know, but the people says that they r very good. The team's goalkeeper is Richard.

Jaume: It's amazing :) LoL, you r playing against my team.

Sergi: See u 2morrow in the match, i'm gonna dinner. we can chat tomorrow at the same time.

Jaume: Ok Sergi, have a nice dinner see you..... xDxD

Dialogue with Marina R.

Marina R: Hi!!!!

Arantza B: Hi! :) how r u??

Marina R: good 'n' u?

Arantza B: gr8! :P

Marina R: :)

Arantza B: wot r u going 2 to this weekend?

Marina R: I'm going 2 a party. Wot about u???

Arantza B:I´m going 2 hang out with some friends, wanna come with us?

Marina R: ohh, ok! thanks :)

Arantza B: well, see ya on friday!

Marina R: I have 2 do some hwk

Arantza B: bye XOXO

Marina R: bye <3

Chating with Marta

- How are you?
-Good, thanks and you?
-Good, but i am tired.
-What you have done today?
-The exam of geology of America.
-Is very difficult. A little bit.
-Ok, there is homework for Wednesday.
-One moment please.
-The exam of maths and English.
-A ok thanks you.
-I´m going to have the diner, bye.

chating with eric

Javier; hi!
Eric: hy1
Javier: how are u?
Eric: good and u
Javier: good
after school
Eric: i go to a class and u?
Javier but i say after school
Eric: yes i go to a school
Javier: ok
Eric: and u
Javier: i'm going to stay at my house
Eric: looking tv no???
Javier: no im chating with u and you
Eric: ok so see u tomorrow
Javier: bye
Eric: bye

chatting with mini messi

Alejandro-Hey Arnau, how r u in London.
Arnau -I’m very ok, and u
Alejandro -I’m fain. Well, r u ok with the result of FCB vs. Arsenal???
Arnau-No, I’m very ruined¡¡¡¡¡¡, b the play r expensive.
Alejandro-Yes. And t gol of messi than cancel.
Arnau -Oh, this r the most of my ruined, there gol incite.
Alejandro -Well, don’t irritate Already the Rmadrid won to lion in Tuesday.
Arnau -No, they don’t win.
Alejandro -haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡
Alejandro-And, in the league, r FCB won the league this year???????
Arnau -ok, I’m go to h m homework to tomorrow¡
Alejandro-Ok, bye¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡
Conversation of my friend Paul and me
Me : Hello .
Paul : Hi , how are you ?
Me : Find , thanks , and you ?
Paul : Well , I wear in a hospital for 2 weeks because I had a disease .
Me : And waht tipe of disease do you had ?
Paul : Well , I had a pneumonia , but now I 'm feeling better .
Me : Allright , so , if you feel better , do you want to see a film this weekend with me? , I'm going to see a film called ''RED'' , do yu want to go ?
Paul : This weekend ? I don't know ... Allright , I'm going to go wiht you , but you have to promise me that the film is going to start at 16:00 pm , because I have to go to the ospital at 18:00 pm .
Me : Allright , see ypu there .
Paul : See you , by .

Conversation: by Xenia

Xenia: Hey, wazz up?? How r u?? =]
Giulliana: HeLLo xD
Saul: Fine ;)
Giulliana: GrEaT :D
Saul: That's good!!
Giulliana: :D
Xenia: Soo did u catxx up 2 de steps 2day?? I didn't ~.~
Giulliana: YeAh :) BuT thE FiNAl 1 WaS 2 DiffculT
Saul: Yes
Xenia: Yaa I knooow!! It wazz, LOL!! Did u do ur hmk yet??
Giulliana: I DoN'T HaVE HmK
Saul: Really?
Giulliana: YeS D: But We HaVe 2 StUdy T.T
Xenia: Yep... Hope 2morrow's exam isn't diffclt... :$
Saul: What are you doing?
Giulliana: I'm PlAyInG WiTh My DSi
Xenia: I'm just watchin TV >.<
Giulliana: haha xD Do U WaNt 2 CoNeCt 2 My DSi?
Saul: Yes
Xenia: Okii let's konekt by :*

Saul: Good bye

Tomas: hi jordi :)!!

Jordi: hi

Tomas: wot r u doing?

Jordi: i'm studying and you?


Tomas:i'm talking with u!

Jordi: ehehehe i now

Tomas: can i ask to u 1 thing??

Jordi:yes what say im ready

Tomas.whitch day is ur bday?

Jordi: my bday is the 2 January

And your bday?

Tomas: my bday is in 14th september!

Jordi: ahhhh

Tomas:so u have to by me a present!!



Jordi:a ok

Jordi: Bye Bye

Tomas: Bye

Instant messages (me-jordi riera)

Me: hi jordi!!
Jordi Riera: hey hi how are u?
Me: gut, wot r u doing?
Jordi Riera: i'm studying and you?
Me: i'm talking with u!
Jordi Riera: i now
Me: can i ask to u 1 thing??
Jordi Riera: ye what, say im ready
Me: whitch day is ur bday?
Jordi Riera: my bday is the 2 January And your bday?
Me: my bday is in 14th september!
Jordi Riera: ahhhh
Me: so u have to by me a present!! joke...
Jordi Riera: a ok
Me: well, wot r u doing this weknd?
Jordi Riera: i'm gonna play basket
Me: great!! can i come with u?
Jordi Riera: sure, i'll pick u to sant cugat at saturday's morning ok?
Me: at what time??
Jordi Riera: at 11:00 0k?
Me: Great!! Bye
Jordi Riera: Bye!!



ARANTZA: hi!! how r u??

MARINA: good 'n' u?

ARANTZA: gr8! :P


ARANTZA: Wot r u going 2 do this weekend??

MARINA: I'm going 2 a party. Wot about u?

ARANTZA: I´m going 2 hang out with some friends, wanna come with us?

MARINA: oh, ok
ARANZA: well see u on friday

MARINA: I have 2 do some hwk