Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Uniform...is it good or bad?

Some people say it’s good to wear uniform, and some people say they won’t wear a uniform in their life.
In my opinion, wearing uniform is a good way to learn that at the school you are not a cool person for having the best clothes. Another good thing that I think that the uniform have is that you don’t need to be every day in front of the wardrobe thinking what to wear that day and nobody is going to discriminate you for the clothes you wear.
Some people say that wearing uniform is a bad idea because for the weekend you have to buy not uniform clothes, and if you don’t wear uniform, you can put the clothes from every day.
Another group of people say that the uniform is too expensive, but I think that if we evaluate the good and the bad things, you’ll see that the uniform it isn’t a bad idea.
In fact, I have worn uniform all my life, so I don’t mind wearing it or not, but I think it’s a good idea to wear uniform like in our school.

Monday, April 23, 2012

               *       ECLIPSE- Saint George 
The moon beam shines upon the valley                      
 at dawn all has gone dark as a forgotten ally.                                                                               
 People will come and go,                                                 
and footprints will fade and show.                                    
But even the merest eclipse                                                           
is magical just to catch a glimpse.                                    
             * *                                
The most powerful earthly source,                                         
whether it’s more than just a force,                                   
won’t compete with such a power                                      
as the world seen lunar shower.                                        
         * * *                                  ,
Midnight breathtaking gleam,                                           
Oh! How you make us scream.                                        All is  still in utter doom,
Your lavishly moon-shaped rains                                     
Stroll down the valley like tiny grains.
           * * * *
When the time comes to say ‘farewell’
birdies crawl into their nest
snails crawl back into their shell
people take a little rest.

     * * * * *
 Starry night, 
 bulky clouds, 
foggy sight,
scary sounds.
Calming waves,
nature's slaves,
all is still in utter doom, 
all except nature's eclipsed moon