At school, short hair is better because, first of all, it’s fresher, and secondly, you don’ have to do a pig-tail, a pony-tail or make a bun. Long hair is worse at school because it’s too hot and you have to do a pony tail or make a bun.
We think that short hair is better because when you go to the hairdresser’s to die your hair, to brush it, to straight it out or to cut it, it costs less than if you have long hair When you have long hair you have to pay more and it takes you longer.Short hair is much more comfortable because it’s fresher at the summer, and if you have to brush it, to straight it out or to dry your hair it’s easier and you don’t spend too much time. Long hair isn’t as comfortable as short hair.
Short hair is cleaner because you won’t have lice and when you clean it, it won’t take a long time, and if you don’t clean it every day, it doesn’t seems as dirty as it is. Long hair it’s clean, but it’s easier to have louse.
Short hair is better if you’re a military because you don’t have to cut their hair. If you have long hair you have to cut it, and it’s worst. If you do sport is better short hair because long hair can put in your face and you can get it wrong.
When you’re studying, it’s better short hair because if you are studying and your hair puts in your face, you distract.
If you have short hair is better because if you do a treatment you don ‘t have to pay.
There are so many good things for long hair, but there are better things for short hair, so we can say that short hair is better than long hair.
Long hair have some advantages, for example, that if you have a party or an important meeting, you can do a hair-do that will impress people. Long hair is better too if you have a festival or something like that and you have to do a pony tail, because if you have short hair and you have to do a pony tail, it’s harder. By: Marta, Carlota and Günther.
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